Taxes are not voluntary. Illegal immigrants have to pay them just like everyone else.
Employers who fail to withhold IRS taxes go to prison regularly. Employers who deduct less labor costs than standard for their business category get audited.
Except if they get paid cash under the table. Then no taxes are taken out. Do you think the contractors who hire all of those day laborers are taking the required taxes out of the wages that they're paying them? Only a fool would believe that.
Employers who fail to withhold IRS taxes go to prison regularly.
This has happened perhaps a few times in the last 10 years. And you call that regularly?
"Taxes are not voluntary. Illegal immigrants have to pay them just like everyone else.
Employers who fail to withhold IRS taxes go to prison regularly. Employers who deduct less labor costs than standard for their business category get audited."
This may be a dumb question, but that's never stopped me before. Sure, an employer can withhold taxes from a paycheck, but how then does the employer report that money to the IRS when the employee DOES NOT LEGALLY EXIST? And if these people are independent contractors, to what does the IRS match the 1099s? The "taxpayers" in these cases are not filing returns.
I don't buy that they pay taxes. And even if they do, that is no justification for criminality. The ends do not justify the means....only in the minds of 'progressives'.
Pretty funny. As one who worked for the IRS, going after non-filers and non-payers, let me tell you the non-compliance among "immigrants" is very, very high. In fact, I received an award from the President (of the U.S.) for discovering a fraudulent tax refund scheme originated by an "immigrant" advocate, using falsified ID's from non-existent "citizens".
You have no idea just how huge the tax fraud is originating from residents south of the border.
Think about it... if these illegals are paid so low that they are called "poor" and "oppressed" they wouldn't owe any taxes--they'd get Earned Income Credit refunds...If they would file tax returns--few do.
The illegals have discovered the tax loophole favored by home-grown tax cheats: Independent Contractor. No withholding, no filing, get welfare while making $100,000 a year. By the time the IRS catches up to them they're long gone. The employment tax regulations are so weak employers failing to issue 1099's are rarely caught and/or punished.