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To: San Jacinto


2,532 posted on 06/13/2005 4:52:47 PM PDT by Howlin
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To: Howlin
Most TH on CTV are just as shocked as we are (except motor mouth Jamie Floyd who bores the hell out of me talking about ALL her previous jobs and successes).

Were any of the jurors asked their reaction to the video tape of the accuser talking to police? I was watching Dimond interview Sneddon and missed the first few questions asked of jurors and frankly what I did catch was more than enough.

2,555 posted on 06/13/2005 5:02:17 PM PDT by StarFan
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To: Howlin
Here are my final "Having said that..." and "On the other hand..." comments for the evening:

1. Michael Jackson is a freak and a wierdo. His face proves he is mentally ill and his admitted actions prove he is a pervert. Personally, I do not doubt that he is a practicing pedophile.

2. Having said a criminal case it is hard to get a conviction when essentially your whole case rests on the sworn testimony of outlandish liars and scam artists. It just seems like you would have a tough time returning a guilty verdict if you had strong doubts about the credibility of the star witness (you know, ...beyond a reasonable doubt and all that stuff).

3. Having said that ....this jury seemed like a poster child for California vapidity. All that mumbo jumbo about "bonding" and providing a "support system" for each other, but no meaningful reference to the weight given to any of the evidence. I got the feeling that some of them may have thought it would be a real honor to have Jacko's hand in one's jammies. The case was over before the last juror was seated, IMO.

4. On the other hand, an honest-to-God smart jury may have returned the same verdict (see 2 above.)

The bottom line is that I have to just shake my head in amazement that this goofy blankety-blank actually has fans and admirers---millions of them, apparently. It's the same feeling you get when you consider how many people voted for algore. There's just no end to the nutcases out there.

2,583 posted on 06/13/2005 5:25:32 PM PDT by San Jacinto
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