Posted on 06/13/2005 12:36:01 PM PDT by Dog
He also seems to select a type...the movie star kids weren't his type.
Juror#8...MJ is just an average guy that you can walk up and talk to........awe-struck celeb morons...
A nicely punctuated 391 word apologetic pantload ...
"I am especially sad for those little boys out there that are the next victims."
Me too.
As is usual at this time each night, I've got a million distractions going on... missed the bug-eyed girl. Looks like we've got a big kumbaya moment going on here now, and they're applauding themselves. *puke*
Nancy Grace was right when she said that juries try to avoid convicting the rich and the famous. I'm surprised the Revlon heir was convicted in California.
One juror had a grandson who is a sex offender, anther is allegedly writing a book. I just wonder how many of the jurors and the so-called fans outside cheering Michael are pedophiles or approve of pedophilia.
From what I was able to stand to watch, I'd say their collective IQ is somewhat smaller than my boot size.....
I once convicted a man of the sexual assault (forcible sodomy) of a prostitute. It can be done, but you have to prepare your case extremely well.
This guy's MO was to sexually asssault and forcibly sodomize women, and he focused on transients, the homeless, and young hitchhikers running away from home. He got away with it for years because the vitcims he chose were unlikely to report it, and if they did, they were unlikely to be believed.
He was a good-looking man, successful in his field, intelligent, well-spoken and well-dressed. He thought he was going to get away with it yet again. His defense attorney smirked at me and said I was a fool if I thought anyonw would believe a heroin-addicted prostitute.
I nailed the miscreant in a full-blown jury trial and put him away for 27 years. The victim, a misguided young lady who fallen into a very hard life after leaving home, was murdered a few months later by a heroin dealer. I made it a point to travel 600 miles to her funeral in her hometown. I wanted her grieving widowed mother to know that I though her daughter had done a very couraegous and redeeming thing in coming forward and subjecting herself to the additional pain and humiliation of a public trial. Because she had done this, she helped put a predator away who would have assuredly continued to violently assault other women.
"He touches poor kids from %%%ked up familes.
He is a predator. He knows what to do."
Nah preadorts are preadators...he wouldn't let the celebrity of a couple of them stop him.
If anything...if he really did it...the celebrity of the two kids would work IN his favor...why would they come out and risk ruining their careers?
You miss the point, and I am not surprised. The judgement should have been mixed, as you admit. Combine that with a lot of evidence that circumstancially leans towards guilt, and you don't have a real jury verdict. This jury did not want to be the ones who convicted Michael Jackson, so... what's the harm in letting him go? He won't do it again, will he? The argument was never over the evidence, but the ramifications of the verdict.
I made no error. I was on numerous threads hijacked by you and your cohorts. I have no intention of locating your past posts. You know I'm being honest as does anyone that spent much time on the Terri threads. Anyone else couldn't care less.
That's truly bizarre....
"Normal" is not a word that can be used in conjunction with MJ.
However, telling a chatter that MJ's next molestation would be on that chatter's head simply because they disagree on the verdict of this trial is, imho, outrageous.
Fox just announced that the first thing they did after leaving to deliberate, was to take votes on all counts. Only then did they read the jury instructions.
These are twelve of the most stupid people I've ever seen.
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