The monitoring systems seen in every ICU today are a direct result of the telemetry used to monitor astronauts' physical condition during flight. You are probably too young to remember hospitals prior to the introduction of such equipment.
Besides the numerous technical advances from the space program, we gained something of far more importance: a sense of national pride and a "can-do" spirit based on a peaceful national goal. No other country could have put a man on the moon, and watching the news while living in Berlin as an Air Force wife, I was so proud to be an American that day. I still am, but that was a special day.
The Moon Program was worth many times its cost for the inspiration it provided, especially to young people. Why NASA supporters don't tout that rather than dubious spinoff claims is beyond me. Probably because the opportunity to provide that inspiration was a one shot deal, never to return, just like people yawn at the prospect of crossing oceans in airliners.