Like designating a "head of household"
No I did not say designating a head of household, neither does the bill. I merely requires the name of the person or persons the sales tax rebate is to be sent to. Don't want it don't send them a name to put on the check. Simple.
listing everyone in your household and their ages.
More like listing everyone by social security number as SSA already has the rest of the information. But you don't even need to give em that if you don't want the sales tax rebate.
He says some people get more pre-bate than others.
Yep each household receives 178 or there abouts for adults, and 65 for each child. Gee so difficult, and not even that is necessary if you choose not to apply.
That's a lot more than just "two requirements.
Requirements? What part of voluntary do you not understand.
And that's not "no records" either. And no one lists who and how this information will be verified.
Sure I have, as I said it's called the Social Security Administration. The folks that already have the information required in any case, as a consequence of current law.
You really should read the bill, instead of just emoting.
H.R.25Fair Tax Act of 2005 (Introduced in House) `CHAPTER 3--FAMILY CONSUMPTION ALLOWANCE
"Required"? I thought you said it was voluntary. Which is it?