The vast majority of people I served with I did not know their politics or discuss it with them. Most of the jerks just lived to make others miserable. I worked in a NATO command back in the 70's - AFSOUTH Naples, Italy - and the best man, supervisor, and leader I ever worked for was Sgt. Stack, a Viet Nam and the walking definition of the grizzled Army sarge. He was a staff sergent and he taught me there is a difference between having to work for someone and wanting to work for someone. No BS with him, just straight talk. He treated everyone fair and equal. He also made me feel extremely young as he joined the Army a year before I was born. I worked for some later on who came close to his style but never like him exactly.
By the way, thank you for serving.
Thank you for serving.
Many of us on Free Republic via freep mail and sometimes on the threads have been commenting and discussing the problems of having rats in our military. They often cause problems while they are in and more problems when they are out.
I would have a real problem recommending any rat today for even a confidential security clearance. Their allegiance is not with America, and the oaths the rest of us took and lived by, mean nothing to them.