If a family making $9hr (18K a year and plenty of them out there) is expected to pay 10K for premiums I'd like to know where the encograds really are. Do the math if you wonder why so many are uninsured. What is your definition of indentured servitude?
I'd sure like to get $900 an hour or more and expect my customers to pay full rate even if I made a mistake in my service to them. Between the tax man, insurance companies and hospitals there is not much room for anything else.
One thing that is never mentioned in these articles and the health insurance debate in general is the number of people who can afford, but choose not to buy insurance. There are a good number of young healthy people who choose to spend the money on something else.
If a family is making 18k or even 50k, I could see the family foregoing on health insurance and just staying healthy.
My definition of indentured servitude would be paying off your debt by working for the guy.