something does not smell right
Judicial Watch applied to get all of Kerry's Navy record,
during the campaign, I followed this case very closely
the Navy gave Judicial Watch a bunch of documents (including one that suggested that one of Kerry's band of brothers lied about being present for one of his heroic actions, the Navy document showed the man was in hospital or something, I think the NY Sun picked up on that as well)
the Navy told Judicial Watch to go to Kerry's website for some of the documents [Judicial Watch was very pissed off, they felt they should get copies of the Navy originals not what John Kerry claimed was the copy of his record to make sure he hadn't deleted or altered what he had posted]
and then the Navy said there were at least 100 documents they could not release without Kerry's consent
now that 100 document number has been variously reported from 40 to 100 documents or pages of documents....which implies there are a bunch of documents out there that only Judicial Watch and maybe the NY Sun has seen and a bunch of documents no one has seen
we can only conclude that Kerry got his records cleaned up before he even considered running or he got it cleaned up since the election realizing he still wanted to take a kick at the can and that Hillary would be gunning for any tidbit
the nice thing about Hillary is if Kerry is hiding something, if Kerry did manage to whitewash his record, if anyone can find out he did, it will be Hillary....
Is, among the documents released under Form 180, a copy of the signed Form 180 itself?