What... You don't like Christian defenses, just athiestic or naturalistic ones?
You're just "preachin" a different religion.
I preach no religion nor do I worship at the foot of a technological marvel. But if the facts are there and real and tangible, then I am not preaching a religion but passing along fact. Now if you can find me those bronze age sandle wearers, you know, the ones who transcribed the WORD. and sit them down for a little powwow, you will find that you have been listening to a bunch of superstitius sheep herders who have the crap scared out of them everytime a comet rises in the sky or the earth shakes a little bit. So one group of these sandle wearers throws virgins into the volcanoes and another group might sit down and right a tome to try to explain existence...at least until its time to stone someone to death for saying the word 'God' or eating milk and meat at the same meal.