W.Va. Vital To D.C. Emergency
The Intelligencer & Wheeling News-Register ^ | 09 July 05 | Joselyn King
Posted on 07/09/2005 5:42:24 AM PDT by leadpenny
WHEELING - One day after bombs exploded in downtown London, a
West Virginia official painted a grim picture of what might happen if a
"dirty bomb" were detonated in downtown Washington, D.C.
Nearly 7 million people would head for West Virginia, said Jim Spears,
state director of Military Affairs, Veterans Affairs and Public Safety. He
plans to ask for $15 million in additional federal homeland security
dollars this week to build a communications network for use in the
event of such an emergency. Spears addressed the 87th Annual
American Legion West Virginia State Convention on Friday at the
Ramada Plaza City Center Hotel in Wheeling prior to the main speech
given by Gov. Joe Manchin. As director of public safety, Spears
oversees homeland security concerns in the Mountain State.
As a recent former resident of WV, the state would seem to be a logical flight site for DC refugees. However -there is absolutely no infrastructure to handle the potential masses. Unless you are prepared to survive in the wild as
pointed out by App Dweller -- you would die of starvation or from the elements and or civil unrest. The best option would be to shelter in place unless you were at ground zero. The only evacuees that are probably planned for would
be family of VIPs or second level government employees. The bunker still exists at The Greenbrier and has been closed to the public for over a year now, with some speculation that it is in the process of being recommisioned.