Is it true that abandoned animals taken to PETA are immediately killed and not put up for adoption? If that is so, we need more feature stories on their animal genocide.
I think animals should be treated well, but we have no concern as a nation for the unborn. A child molester is something to joke about, especially when he is a celebrity.
You know, I hate PETA as much as anyone here. There are a million things to go after them for.... there links to terrorist activity, there apposition to necessary medical and scientific research, their war on the American farmer, their obsene and indecent nudity and gruesome media campaigns that our children are exposed to, etc. BUT I do not understand this whole "" website and line of attack.
All they are doing in this case is euthanasia which they actually PUBLICLY endorse and PROMOTE as the "compassionate option" (so its not hypocrisy) which pretty much all humane shelters practice, etc. So I don't see how this line of criticism, that PETA puts animals down, will have any traction at all with the general public.
Let's focus on their real crimes.
Michael Jackson owned a chimpanzee. Sort of ironic.