I think the poster you were responding to was referring to the absence of children in her literature, not in her personal life. I have noticed this in Ayn Rand's books myself. It seems that none of her protagonists ever have children. I'm thinking AS mentioned Hank Reardon having children but now I can't remember for sure. Of course, not having children herself, Ayn Rand probably didn't have the frame of reference to be able to write much about them.
Some of Ayn's protagonists like Dagny Taggert remind me of the self-obsessed, childless, over-achieving Yuppies we have today who can be found in Starbucks all over America sipping lattes while banging away on their laptops and working into the night.
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
I'm thinking AS mentioned Hank Reardon having children but now I can't remember for sure. Hank had no kids nor did Francisco or J.G., himself.
And of course, Dagny was childless.
Ironically, Akston considered Galt, Francisco & the Danneskjold his sons. Of course he never had to change their diapers or tell them bedtime stories.