Do you oppose driver education? The two skills are roughly equivalent.
Math on the other hand...
In today's world it is unreasonable to expect that everyone doesn't need to know how to drive. It is not unreasonable to expect that some people don't need to own guns. Furthermore, I hope we don't have to become licensed to operate a gun in my state, whereas operating a car you do have to be licensed.
That said, my experience with driver's education was that it was a waste of time. We watched some videos where we pretended to drive and kids in the videos chased balls into the street. Most everyone in my class pretended to hit their excellerator instead of their break. When we actually got on the driving course, the coach who taught driver's ed slept while we fooled around, jerking the wheels back and forth, tagging people's bumpers.
We all passed. If it is available, I will enroll my children in driver's ed to lower their insurance rates, but they will know how to drive safely long before they step into that classroom.