Would Donald Trump go along with a plan, that took power away from him? NO! So WHY should President Bush? This damned "compromise" states that the president HAS TO TALK TO THE GANG OF 14 AND HAVE THEM AND THEM ALONE, PASS ON ALL OF HIS FUTURE JUDICIAL NOMINEES...BEFORE HE SENDS THE NAMES TO THE SENATE.
I have a feeling that the first time George Bush "consults" with the dems in the Senate re: nominations, will be when he tells them the correct spelling of who he wants...LOL
LOL....Don't pop an artery...but don't be surprised when all is said and done ALL options are covered. As for talking to then...I doubt he will other than any normal conversations, questions, favors are asked of any Senator.
It's politics and it's "bidness"...you get done what you have to get done to get what you want...maybe it's a half of a loaf today...take the rest next time.
None of us were there this past week...we do not know the true feelings of each of the Republican Senators...Bush needs other legislation to pass...if he wants it done he needs to play to all of them.