McCain is a weird guy, for sure. But if we lose him aren't the Dems likely to take the seat? Would we be better off in the minority. Because if we wack all the RINOS we are unlikley to hold all those seats, many will end up with Donkeys sitting in them. We need to be smart about who we target. It may be that McCain is such an irritant that he needs to be retired. I suspect he's going to run as an indy prez candidate next time, which may end his nominal Republican affiliation, he might end up like a R. version of Jeffords.
It seems rather foolish that the Republican Party has within it liberals like Chafee, Snow, Collins if the Republican Party is consistently undermined in their resolve to push a conservative agenda by these RINO's (and they are Republicans in name only for sure).
What good is being the majority, if the Democraps run the damn show????
If Frist had from day one executed the Constitutional option and got it done with, then he stood a much larger chance of getting passed.
As it is with all the delaying, he has only emboldened the liberals to push back harder. Give an enemy enough time and they will eventually find your weakness and exploit it.
I have long been ranting and raving for Frist to "JUST DO IT, DAMMIT!!!" and quit talking. Yet, in my heart, I knew by the delaying we (our hopes of a true majority) were toast.
Leaders LEAD, and Frist with the rest of the Republican Senate are limp wristed spineless pussies. What was that old saying? "All that is needed for evil to triumph, is for good men to do NOTHING!"
As for Lindsey Graham, may he feel the full wrath of South Carolina voters.