"The Aztecs told the people if priests didn't rip out human hearts daily...Error is the natural state of mankind."
That's a hughly series error, for sure, but it is only one error.
I get the sense that if the Aztec cognosphere was composed of X percent truth, Y percent error, and Z times infinity ignorance, our modern cognosphere may be composed of (arbitrarily, solely to illustrate my point) 100X truth, 1,000Y error, and Z times infinity minus 99X ignorance.
That is, it seems to me that the percentage of error in our cognosphere today is disproportionately large, compared to past eras. We have scratched away at the surface of ignorance, adding mainly to our store of scientific knowledge, while at the same time accreting a huge load of ideas (primarily in non-scientific fields) that are just dead wrong.