These few lines of his are an accurate summary of all known Russian history in its psychosociological aspect, not just of its soviet period - he built better than he knew. ==
It is YOUR generalization not his. So Zinoviev isn't guilty but you. Don't hide behind him.
As an aside, one Karl Marx characterized pre-soviet Russia of mid-19 century as "asiatic despotism". ==
So now you rely on father of communism to draw your critisizm on Russia? What next? Recall some verses of Mao Czhe Dun or Hitler? You may find very critical summary of Russia in "Mein Kampf".
As they say: if the shoe fits, wear it.==
I would say if vision is impared then find glasses which fits. Accualy I recall you one more proverb: "Po Senke shapka" or "Svinia vsegda griuz naidet".
Means whoever is the seeker then soever his stereotypes:).
As you are so proud of your pile - continue sitting in it by all means.