Even I, who is a bit of a political junkee, didn't understand the basis of all the Dem spin.
Here's another if anybody knows. Husband comes home last night and asks "What happened to Abe Fortas?"
I shrugged. I've heard the name but didn't know any details. I asked why he wanted to know.
"Because I heard the Dems say that Repubs filibustered Abe Fortas. If this is true then I do NOT support the Repubs now for trying to stop a Dem filibuster."
So you see, even people who pay attention get confused by all these Dem talking points. Their spin if you will. Some would call them lies.
So how the heck is Jane and John Sixpack supposed to wade through it all?
Which, I understand, is part of the Dems' cheating plan. They only use the truth when it serves their purpose.
I'm trying to listen to Leahy but all I hear is Blah, Blah, Blah....
All their power is given to them through chaos. Without social chaos, there's no need for Democrats.