How about comparing Smith's voting record with Sununu.
Smith was crapped on by the RINO wing of the party, you can observe the same thing right now happening with Dr. Coburn. Did you know he already has ethics charges pending?
Why do you think they rejected Don Nickles, and promoted a single termer spineless jellyfish as leader? Why did they shut Jim Inhoff down?
Why do they attack Tancredo?
Why did they elevate Spector even though the party faithful, new full well he would waffle?
I can understand why Smith became disillusioned with the party leadership. I think what he did was stupid, but I can understand his frustration. Sadly we see this kind of erratic behavior from older defeated men. Barry Goldwater being a prime example.
If we don't fix the Judge issue in the Senate and fix immigration, I will stay home, next election. Because in the long run, it won't matter. My time here is winding down, so I doubt I will live to see the worst of what is coming, but I somehow don't think God will hold my generation blameless for what we have left our children to deal with.
Well I happened to run into a way to compare their voting records in Congress last night on Dale's site. Sunnunu has a life-time American Conservative Union 95 rating on his Congressional voting record while Bob Smith has a 93 life-time ACU rating on his Congressional voting record.
Now I know the ACU only looks at selected votes but both have been in Congress a number of years. So that seems pretty similar to me. And it is hard for me to see that the guy with the 95 ACU rating is a RINO while the guy with the 93 ACU rating in solid conservative.
Here is the link to the ratings: