Many people see atheism and evolution as having a connection. I don't know about other scientific disciplines but it certainly seems so with regard to evolution. Probably the whole Genesis thing. I don't know anyone who questions the laws of physics or astronomy or geology like they do evolution. Of course, that doesn't mean they don't, just I don't see it. And again, I think the major stumbling block is the ape to man thing. Just anecdotal articles I've read lead me to believe quite a few evolutionists are atheists or at least agnostics. I did have an article with figures but like polls, they don't mean a whole lot.
A given percentage of evolutionists are atheists. What bearing does that have on whether or not the theory is accurate?
You cannot have been reading the crevo threads here very much then. Numerous Young Earth Creationists post here and if the opinion polls are anything to go by YEC is the position of a very sizable minority of the American population. YEC mandates the rejection of pretty much the whole of astronomy, cosmology, geology, paleontology, plate tectonics, archeology, atomic physics, oh yeah and biology.