I'm not sure I am happy with the way this is going. I don't particularly like Blair's domestic agenda, but I hate seeing him get hamstrung after his steadfastness. And I forget who was on the thread earlier saying that the Tories weren't really increasing their vote share, and I have to say that I see the same thing. I'm almost afraid this is the worst of all outcomes. A diminished Blair in power, the conservatives thinking they did better than they did, and the far left surging.
In the South of England and London, the Tories are winning votes from both parties. In safe and leaning Labor seats where the second party is the Liberal Democrats, their is a drain from Labor to the LD, everywhere. In the West of England, the Tories are eating away at LD. It seems more of an anti Labor vote swing than anything else. But the Tories didn't move outside London and South and West England, and thus not that many seats will change.