If you don't think that John Paul II was John Paul the Great, no one is going to make you recognize reality.
It is a strange thing to continually recognize how little resentment is directed at WW I Pope Benedict XV by those who take Pope St. Pius X's name in vain. It was Benedeict XV (the former Cardinal Della Chiesa) who promptly cancelled the anti-Modernist programs and loyalty oaths of Pope St. Pius X and they have never been restored by any subsequent pope. Whatever you use to opportunistically attack Pope John Paul the Great is the result of eight decades of underground Modernism courtesy of Della Chiesa who also persecuted the saintly Merry Cardinal Del Valle, Pius X's Secretary of State. You guys are Johnny Come Latelys to the task of resisting Modernism and you choose your targets poorly.
Albino Cardinal Luciani who became John Paul I implemented "novelties??????" Name three.
Finally, I trust in the promises of Jesus Christ. He will be with the Church He founded until the end----His Church, the Catholic Church, not some upstart schismatic offshoot. Whatever Christ's plan may be, it just has to be better than yours or mine.
Why was he great?