"I think you overestimate the enthusiasm for the Tridentine Mass, or even the Latin Novus Ordo, among both priests and parishioners."
Oh yes, because the diocesan priests, in kahoots with the bishop, refuse to offer it, then we overestimate the demand, based upon your limited worldview in your diocese.
This has to do with obedience. Obedience to the true Vatican Council II. Obedience to immemorial custom. Obedience to the Faith.
If your bishop were really interested in being "wide and generous" in the application of the indult, he would publicly give EVER single priest the indult if they want it, just like Bishop Doran in Rockford (IL) has done.
Then again, if you have no young priests nor seminarians in your diocese, there would be no need, because then the modernists have destroyed the demand for true liturgy, and the laymen don't know any better. Sort of like Milwaukee, WI. "If the shepherd leads it flock into a pit..."
It wouldn't matter. Nobody would say the Tridentine Mass. Any parish here that wants a Tridentine Mass can have one. I'd think that any priest who was anxious to celebrate the TLM would just go and do it, and hope some folks show up.
Washington DC has three TLMs, according to our friend sitetest. They are well dispersed, throughout the archdiocese and at convenient times. Two are well attended, one less so. Yet none are so packed to the rafters that someone who wants to attend is prevented from getting into the church.
There's more of a demand for Spanish and Vietnamese Masses in our diocese than Latin.