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To: floriduh voter
It was a complete failure of all checks and balances. They were non-existent.

And so we end up with the result we had, an innocent person put to death by judicial order, while the other supposedly co-equal branches of government stand by and impotently watch and tremble in fear of the judicial tyrant.

Most disappointing and discouraging are the people, including many on FR, who cheer the result of an innocent woman put to death as a victory for "the law", and applaud that Judge (executioner) who "did his job and followed the law". Well, some law that is, when you end up killing an innocent person. I remember a time in this country when the law stood for something other than killing innocent citizens of the land, a time when the law and the courts protected people and served them instead of killing them. This New Age crap and the culture of death have taken such a hold that people now cheer on the slaughter of persons never convicted or even accused of a crime, much less a capital offense.

641 posted on 05/04/2005 8:03:08 AM PDT by chimera
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To: chimera
A judge is not following the law if he follows one law and throws hundreds of other laws out the window. Hundreds.

Judge Greer will never be able to live this down no matter how they try to build him into a hero. He's no hero. He's not even an average guy. He's a liberal, evil politician claiming to be a member of the religious right. He's delusional.

642 posted on 05/04/2005 8:11:51 AM PDT by floriduh voter (Terri's not the first victim or the last Visit (e-newsletter).)
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