I think you are confusing the Merchant Marine Academy at King's Point, NY with the USCGA Academy in New London, CT. Good point in any case.
On lunch here at the USCG Academy... The USN prospective XO's and SOAC (Prospective OPS) classes we used to teach in the simulator facility always impressed on me with the statements, from those participants, that they felt that the Coast Guard would have been a better choice, having been exposed to both sides.
Of course I'm very biased, teaching here in the ship simulators facility and a CG retiree.
No appointments, straight numbers quals in the application process. However, there is some special "weighting" of the score to corrolate to what output officer the CG is looking for. (ie: engineers, electrical... bonus +1). Division III NCAA school. Graduate and extreme majority go to ships 1st tour. (Front lines, mister)
Wish I could be 18 again just to serve one more career.