I agree. A lot of the sex offenders are guys who at 16 had consenual sex with their 15 year old girl friend. They need to separate out the worst - child rape, rape, kidnapping, child molestation and so forth, and institute harsher punishments for the more severe crimes.
Although for these crimes, suicide sounds like and excellent punishment. Suppose a few fliers would convince all child rapists to kill themselves?
I seriously doubt it. It sounds like this person was on the verge anyway. I can't imagine someone who could rape a child being upset over a poster. I'm not sure what good posters would do really. And, I have sympathy for innocent members of the criminals family who are shamed even more. I'm more for not other means such as longer sentences and closer supervision after release.
I'm not even sure the offender listings do any good. I haven't heard of any case where they were of benefit in stopping a crime. Law enforcement needs quick access but they already have it.
Thus far, posters and lists - particularly given the way it's done discussed earlier - seem to be promoting hysteria which just adds another problem to the problem.
Thanks for your reply.