---I think you could retract that comment or at a minimum offer it as an opinion of how you see him.
I retract nothing. However, I already said this is my "opinion of how I see him". I msot certainly could be wrong!
I would say he has no serious principles. He is a scare monger, a scandal exploiter, a loud mouth. He is little different than Michael Moore. His being at the bottom of the list of guys that are in the most markets should prove something there. His overreactionalism is why he will never beat the guys above him. In fact, I'd say he has nowhere to go but down as other hosts who are just at the beginning of large exposure eat at his ratings.
As to your point about "every talk show host" does it. To a degree you are correct, of course. But there is a difference when you can truly believe that the guy is saying what he beliees in. I can't listen to Savage anymore because everything he says is just sensationalism for the sake of sensationalism. He is an exploiter of over emotionalism. A ranter. The term lunatic fits him perfectly.
Now, I should point out that I don't think EVERYONE who listens to him is a nutcase. I only think his solid, core audience fits this description. I shouyld also say that nearly every talk show host has a core group of fans who thin the guy walks on water.
It would be interesting to see how many stations all these hosts on the list are on. A rating is one thing, but if the 7th guy on the list has just a tad lower rating than the 5 guy, yet the 7th guy is on fewer stations, that would be a big deal for the 7th guy!