I wasn't listing this church or that. I was describing people as members of a church.
I've never heard it preached from the pulpit that this person in the second pew should NOT take communion.
Depending upon the denomination, many people are told not to receive either outside of church or sometimes pulled aside before receiving. This is often done by the minister or some type of church elder. Many protestants consider communion to be quite sacred even if they don't believe that it is the physical body and blood of Jesus Christ.
I wasn't listing this church or that. I was describing people as members of a church.
Either way it was an erroneous generalization about a divergent grouping that could cause people to attempt to receive communion where they shouldn't. People should always seek permission before engaging in religious rites outside of their own. It's simple courtesy.
"I've never heard it preached from the pulpit that this person in the second pew should NOT take communion."
If you attended Catholic services all of your life, you'd never here that either.