Of course because on 9/10/2001 AL-Qaeda was already here you. We should have down a crack down on our immigration policy along time ago.
But if you can inhibit terrorism by attacking its source, then that should be priority #1, not by buying MORE donut eating border patrols.
The donut eating border patrol is just a sterotype. The vast majority of border patrol agents are hardworking and dedicated by have their hands tied behind their backs. As I saw before it is not quantity of the border patrol but more quality that matters, and they can not attain that quality due to political correctness.
There should be smart (read quality) improvements in border security, not wholesale mindless build-a-fence quantity spending.
You mark both ends of my concern----there should'a been a crackdown internally to ferret out the terrorists before 9/11, -and- there should be smarter not just more spending on border security.
Where border security diverges from preventing terrorism is that the 9/11 hijackers would not have been stopped by any amount of INS action, but only by better FBI action which I think we all agree s0cked bigtime.
Hence my position is counter to all the raving about "closed borders."
"Closed borders" means less money spent on "internal terror prevention" which means MORE TERRORISM THREAT.