I have always felt that a 'firing squad' was the most humane. . .and most 'fitting' punishment. . .but they must be standing. . .no 'sleepers'. . .
The reality seems to be. ..the more we 'try to be humane'. ..the further from that truth; we become. Think lethal injections. . .up close and personal; damages the 'executioner'. . .ie. . .our own humanity, as well.
Yes. We should have left well enough alone.
Yes, by mimicry of a medical procedure, i.e., one meant to help, it perverts the skills of the executioners.
During debates on doctors and capital punishment, I've always said that I would pull the switch, or pull the trigger, but I would NEVER use my special skills to cannulate a vein and administer a lethal injection.
Execution should be done by a method that any of us could do, because the executioner is acting symbolically on behalf of all of us.