As far as im conserned they could all be apes. we really dont know for sure now do we?
If ToE is not true we ought to be able to easily tell for sure. After all we can do it for all modern skulls. Why can't you (or to be more fair, a evolution-rejecting scientist skilled in the art, like the scientists in the article) tell? There's no such thing as an intermediate, right? Every modern skull we look at, we can tell if its human or not-human. Why can't we reliably do that for fossils? The fossil record overwhelmingly indicates gradual change over time, right back to the smallest and oldest fossils we can find from hundreds of millions of years ago.
The point is, that according to creationism there is a wide gap between humans and apes. According to creationism, if I show you a creature, it should be no problem for you to tell me if it's an ape or a human. The point is that CREATIONISTS disagree as to whether these creatures are apes or humans, thus falsifying the idea that there should be no problem distinguishing apes from humans.