"You need some love in your personal life................. but guess what ...... you HAVE NONE!"
Quite wrong. The missus is an Olympic class skeet shooter and is an amazing woman.
And she has never shot a cat with a rifle.
Because she is better with the shotgun. And she has shot and killed one cat on our property which killed two of our chickens. Normally she is very sensitive about critters but when she saw the cat dragging one of her beloved Rhode Island Reds by the neck there was no discussion and no regrets.
In my state it is legal to shoot and trap non-native animals in rural areas and it is legal to trap non-native animals on your property even in urban areas. This includes sparrows, starlings, rats, coyotes (except in counties where they are native), dogs, cats, nutria, and etc. etc.
Fish & Game officers in this state will make no attempt to try and rescue a cat they come across. They will "euthanize" it with a rifle. At least I try to pick up the friendly cats that are obviously someone's pet and I take them to a pound where they stand a chance. In the past I have found one beautiful Persian who we adopted out to one of my wife's friends and I also came across a lovely young Siamese that a couple took from me as I was bringing it into Animal Control in Carson City, Nevada.
The feral cats do not belong in the North American ecosystem and you'll find many nature groups quietly advocating the elimination of feral cat populations. In some rare instances the EPA has been invoked to bring the force of Federal law into eliminating feral cat populations from places such as the Oregon dunes where the Snowy Plover (a ground nesting bird) has come close to extinction due solely to feral cat predation.
Curious, since CA F&G officers routinely "euthanize" feral and domestic cats are you going to shoot them if you see them shooting a cat?
After all...
"YOU shoot the cats....... you just may get SHOT."
Are you really willing to kill LEOs to protect feral cats?
nothing more to you.