No offense to anyone, but ...this and two bucks gets you a ride on a subway. Who cares? Who remembers? And what effect does any sports team winning really mean in the grand scheme of life?
No offense to you, but...your post and two bucks gets you 1.8 gallons of gasoline. Who cares? Who remembers? And what effect does reading your post really mean in the grand scheme of life?
"No offense to anyone, but ...this and two bucks gets you a ride on a subway. Who cares? Who remembers? And what effect does any sports team winning really mean in the grand scheme of life?"
And you clicked on this thread AND clicked 'Reply', why, again? You know, while we're talking about things that don't matter in life...
I suppose that great sports contests have as much effect on the grand scheme of life as just about anything else we do.
But rather than dwell on that, why not recognize these wonderful kids who worked so hard to get to where they are...
And the fact that the two teams both come from wonderful college programs where the graduation rates are high, and the integrity of the recruiting is almost beyond reproach.
And the fact that millions saw and vicariously participated in what was clearly one of the finest NCAA tournaments in history.
Seems to me there's something of the grand scheme in all of that.
So go back to whatever it was that you were doing before you dropped in.