"There are too many legal scholars who take different sides of the issues surrounding this case for it to be clear. In such circumstances I find it disturbing that everyone is willing to blame the Bush's for not doing any more. Well, I'm on record as saying that I don't think they could have carried it any further and still retain any credibility that the conservatives are for the rule of law. We don't like what happened; it wasn't the lack of following the law that resulted in this situation, but it was the lack of a clear and concise legal understanding of what the law really is."
Its this kind of mealy-mouthed, weak-kneed, chickens**t thinking that led directly to Terri Schiavo's murder. If the legal issues were so confusing that no one could say definitively what the hell the law allowed, then why couldn't the Governor err on the side of stopping this horrific atrocity. For too damn long "conservatives" have lamented the creeping judicial tyranny that they decry, but don't have the stones to stop. Both Bush brothers played the suckers game with the "legal experts" by letting the attorneys who wanted Terri dead call the shots, ultimately leading to her slow starvation, yet I'm supposed to believe that every legal scholar that pointed out the executive authority that these guys had to stop this thing were somehow not credible. Bulls**t! The lamentable facts are that the Bush brothers, and the "Governor" in particular, just sat on their asses and let this killing of an innnocent woman occur on their watch without doing anything more than talking blathering bulls**t legalese. This will go down to their everlasting infamy! If Bush needed to act proactively in Afghanistan and Iraq to put things right, surely action was necessary to correct the Terri Schiavo travesty! Both Bush's were AWOL on this one!
You just proved my arguments.
Don't hold back. Let us know what you really think.