You may be on the wrong Forum? What Free Republic is all about:
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As a conservative site, Free Republic is pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-limited government, pro-private property rights, pro-limited taxes, pro-capitalism, pro-national defense, pro-freedom, and-pro America. We oppose all forms of liberalism, socialism, fascism, pacifism, totalitarianism, anarchism, government enforced atheism, abortionism, feminism, homosexualism, racism, wacko environmentalism, judicial activism, etc. We also oppose the United Nations or any other world government body that may attempt to impose its will or rule over our sovereign nation and sovereign people. We believe in defending our borders, our constitution and our national sovereignty.Free Republic is private property. It is not a government project, nor is it funded by government or taxpayer money. We are not a publicly owned entity nor are we an IRS tax-free non-profit organization. We pay all applicable taxes on our income. We are not connected to or funded by any political party, news agency, or any other entity. We sell no merchandise, product or service, and we offer no subscriptions or paid memberships. We accept no paid advertising or promotions. We are funded solely by donations (non tax deductible gifts) from our readers and participants.
We aggressively defend our God-given and first amendment guaranteed rights to free speech, free press, free religion, and freedom of association, as well as our constitutional right to control the use and content of our own personal private property. Despite the wailing of the liberal trolls and other doom & gloom naysayers, we feel no compelling need to allow them a platform to promote their repugnant and obnoxious propaganda from our forum. Free Republic is not a liberal debating society. We are conservative activists dedicated to defending our rights, defending our constitution, defending our republic and defending our traditional American way of life.
I mostly like and AGREE with that AFFIRMATIVE statement since I am VERY pro-God, pro-family, pro-Constitution, pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-limited government, pro-private property rights, pro-limited taxes, pro-national defense, pro-freedom, and pro-America.
I am NOT however a drone who follows EVERY part of ANY 'party line' in blind lockstep.
My view on pro-life/pro-choice for example is somewhat too NUANCED to fit either side's dogma EXACTLY and I usually find people on both 'sides' partially disagreeing with me which is fine imo.
And I am VERY anti-communist ever since the 'Bad Ol Days' and am QUITE pro-Capitalism FOR NOW - but I dont see Capitalism as the BE ALL/END ALL of economics FOREVER either since I believe that in the FUTURE either NANOASSEMBLER replicators/omniproducers or VON NEUMANN-type replicating space habitat/omniproduction facilities WILL obsolete the basic underpinning of ALL supply and demand based EARTHBOUND economics including Capitalism which is the soon-to-be obsolete notion of FINITE supply on Earth. Some may believe that Capitalism will continue to be accepted by Humanity [or perhaps Posthumanity] once the production capacity of Humankind exceeds 100% growth per annum and accelerating exponentially with NO "Limits To Growth" but I think a PARADIGM SHIFT will then occur to create an economics that is ENTIRELY NEW and as different from industrial/post-industrial economic systems as bronze age agrarianism was from neolithic nomadism.
And on THIS particular issue of gay m@rri@ge I also respectfully beg to differ with those who I MOSTLY agree with.
Thank you for posting that. I like to post it now and again, but you know how to make some of it red and blue which is cool.