I meant why do you try to argue with her about Terri? You are much better informed than she. She obviously does not even watch the msm news reports, which back up what you say.
I never argue with some people in my family. I talk about the weather or some other innocuous subject. Some of them just want to argue, or try to make me look and feel stupid---thus trying to make themselves feel much smarter and superior by comparison. I feel much better about myself if I just don't give them any ammunition.
Your sister has never been irrational or confrontational before? Because her words that you quoted here, were irrational and confrontational. Actually they were also very hurtful and insulting too.
Do we have to keep in contact with hurtful, insulting people, just because they are blood relatives?
Anyway, sorry to ramble. I grew up in a very argumentative and hurtful family. I was sensative to what you said, and I apologise if I have insulted you, in anyway. Please forgive me for over stepping.
I read your posts, and have a great deal of respect for you. Really. Just thought you should know that.
I'm not absolutely positive what's going on with Sis. I know she's stressed because of Mom. I didn't understand her outburst at all. Except for politicians, we seldom disagree. (she's a terrible cynic) However, I know she'll check out info online because she trusts me.