That Black Bag bugs me too, FV!! I hate to speculate about what was in that bag. I'm furious that Felos and Bushnell were in Terri's room. They are disgusting.
Also, the timing of death bothers me. Felos ran Terri's own family out of the room, so they could be there to do whatever, to Terri. Felos is still carrying on about Bobby Schindler even today. Bobby said a wonderful prayer of forgiveness about them and here Felos is still acussing and blaming Bobby for not wanting to leave Terri's room.
I'm so upset about that Black Bag and the cremation thing too. No wonder, I have a headache. Terri should have never been in the hospice to begin with. In a perfect world, Terri should have been allowed to go home with her parents.
I really hope people wake up to the fact that Hospice is not what it has been portrayed to be in the past. Imagine, having a loved one in a Hopsice and having someone like Felos there to run you out of the room. Hospice is not the loving place people think it has been in the past.
Evidently, some of the "hospice" movement has been taken over by a group of people with the "HOLOGRAPHIC PARADIGM" scientific theory. It's like a lot of that kind of stuff, just enough truth to sound good and start a religion based on it. Bottom line is (Glenn Beck nailed it yesterday morning on his program) you can "visualize" a Mercedes in your head, and when you become powerful enough in this line of thinking, the Mercedes will appear (because it's all just a holograph anyway). We, poor Terry and everything is just a holograph. Another case of oversimplifying an awesome God, attempting to pull him down to the human level and explain Him away - and in the interim, committing atrocities as they sojourn in this holographic dimension. Adam and Eve believed the lie in the Garden "thou shalt not surely die, but shall be as gods".
I wonder what this Global Oneness outfit is up to?