IMHO, there is nothing as overpriced as Harley me.. Motorclothes (tm). I've ridden all my life, and I wear plain black t-shirts with pockets on them, $6 for a pack of 3. Red Wing motorcycle boots. A ZR1 black leather patrolman's jacket, river road chaps, and socks from Wal-Mart (Harley sells $20 socks with the HD logo on them). I do own a Harley leather do-rag, because it was just too cool, and HD goggles and glasses are a pretty good deal.
Same here. Not one black (or any other color for that matter) t-shirt with a H-D logo or a dealer print.
Found my leather jacket at the swap meet. Warm shirts at the thrift store. I'm cheap. I like old stuff 'cause I'm old. I ride an '87 Softail Custom. Sweeeeet.' I remember when Levi's were either blue ($3.75) or white ($4.75).