My God is a loving God and Christians should not fear death. Let Terri go bump.
My God is a loving God and Christians should not fear death. Let Terri go bump.
Amen. Terri does not fear death, and no Christian does either. Life on earth is imperfect, replete with murder, rape, man's inhuamity to man; and so says the Bible, the world will continue to spin, until God decides it will stop.
How merciful of you.
"That being the case, why do you so ardently desire that the soul of Terri Schiavo spend five, ten, perhaps 30 years or more trapped in a useless and non-functioning body, unable to move on to whatever reward awaits her? Isnt 15 years enough?"
Let's go and starve all who have "useless and non-functioning" bodies...Superman Reed, Astronomer Hawkins, President Reagan and all who in Neil Bortz' judgement needs to go get their "reward" in Heaven. The man really loves you " TO DEATH". are a POS!
Nobody knows that part of it, neither you nor I.
He could just as equally be urging us to KEEP UP THE BATTLE, too.
Until all options are gone, we keep fighting, and we err on the side of LIFE.
Respectfully, but in disagreement,
Christians shouldn't fear death...but they should sure fear causing death. Terri wasn't dying before someone decided to make her die.
she is not being "let go"...she is being KILLED
Yes, Terri will go on to heaven and be with our Lord (assuming she accepted redemption in Jesus, which seems likely). But think of her Mom, Dad, sister, and brother. They love her. They are crushed and are going to be even more heartbroken beyond what we know. They will think about and sorely miss Terri every day for the rest of their lives. Years from now they will still cry about her. It is awful that the courts and Michael did this to them.
Then, in your worldview, everyone should just be killed, right? If Heaven's a better place, a la Sen. Jim King, why waste time down here in this hellhole?
This is NOT a religion issue. This is an issue of unbridled judicial power, in which a local county probate judge acting on questionable hearsay information can kill an innocent disabled woman. The slippery slope track you and your ilk have described is simply wrong. It won't be the "theocracy" that kills this country, it will be the "judiciacry" - where local probate judges can kill defenseless citizens in contraditction to the will of the elected representatives of the area, state and country. Abortion, euthanasia, eugenics, and not having the "masters" have to put up with those "inconvenient" fetuses, old people, disabled... THAT is the slippery slope we are careening down. And, we're not alone. We can easily see Western Europe a couple of exits down that freeway ahead of us.
I cry for Terri and our country.
If you would have asked me 2-3 days ago I would have said "SAVE HER", but after 7 (almost 8) days, I say let her go Home.