Same evidence each time. No other, no conflicting evidence ever allowed to be acknowledged by the court. When she was transferred to the Hospice, the doctor who pronounced her PVS pronounced she would last 6 months or less. WHY? Because that is what the Florida Law dictates to get her transferred to a hospice (the Suncoast Hospice, the one that FELOS was on the BOD, the Felos that worked in court with Greer to get the PVS as a foundation of the NOT AWARE law which allows you to pull feeding tubes).
So, Terri has lived for 15 YEARS. How do you explain the diagnosis of the doctor that declared her PVS?
Suppose there's a fiend and there's some question as to whether there's oil underneath it. Geologist #1 spends a day looking and finds none. Geologist #2 spends half a day and finds none. Geologist #3, who has at times managed not to find oil when it was bubbling up around his ankles spends half a day and finds none. Geologist #4 spends eight days looking and finds some. Geologist #5 spends ten days looking and finds some.
Is there oil? Three geologists say no, two say yes. So I guess by a 3-2 vote there's no oil.