Governor Bush must do the right thing by ending this judicially sanctioned execution. Her life will be saved, and judicial tyranny thwarted.
The foolishness of that response is exceeded only by its absurdity. The hue and cry over the past weekend was to have a federal court review the legal sufficiency of the state several trial and appellate courts' decisions. The U.S. district court and the 11th Circuit court have now done exactly that. So now, the lawless, madding and insane crowd is bleating loudly to incite an unamerican resort to violence. Their result would thus be for the future that we will cease being a nation of laws and return to the riotious mob rule and overthrow of constitutional order in favor of rule by flexing of muscle by street criminals and who can control the police forces and others with guns. That makes us a retrograde mob ruled society like Nigeria and Ruwanda. Maybe that would be an interesting experiment in government. Nah, maybe not.