So in that vein, I'm going to ask you a very personal question, which by no means do I want you to answer here on the Internet, unless you feel compelled to do so;
Did either of you ever feel like going out and fathering a couple kids with another woman, while still married to your wife? That's what this man did, and I've never seen anyone make marital vows that included that caveat. Regardless of her vegetative state not withstanding, that is NOT true love. I'm sorry, but it's not.
Of course I will. Michael's wife DIED fifteen years ago. All that remains is the shell of her body. She is gone.
I find this objection absurd - what option does a young Catholic have in Michael's case? It's not as if he shacked up with another woman within days, weeks or months after his wife's collapse. IIRC, he waited for six or seven years before making that move.
Who among us can honestly critisize him for that?
I know many Catholics who didn't get a divorce and subsequently lived with another woman. Somehow, the sin of living together is not as great as the sin of divorce in their eyes. After all, according to Catholic dogma, divorce is an excommunicable offense (I know, surprised me too) whereas living together isn't.