Call the 11th circuit court of appeals in Atlanta. Tell the clerk where you're calling from and say politely that you are begging the court to save Terri Schiavo's life.
That # is 404-335-6100 .
This, of course, appears to be what the husband has not been willing to have done by totally objective doctors and medical facilities UNRELATED to those who made the original determinations regarding his case.
If he is to be trusted to be credible, this he would not only agree to, but he would be the one saying: "Conduct the tests. Determine for yourself that she is what we have claimed she is."
That he does not do so leads one to be wary of his position.
This is a radiologist's opinion of Terri's CT scan:
The worrisome, no alarming thing, for me, was that I heard a bioethicist and several important figures on the major media describe Terri's brain as MUCH WORSE. One "expert" said that she had a "bag of water" in her head. Several experts described her as a "brain stem preparation"
These statements are wholly inaccurate. This is an atrophied brain, yes, but there is cortex remaining, and where there's cortex (?life) there's hope.
If you starve this woman to death it would be, in my professional and experienced medical opinion, the equivalent of starving to death a 75-85 year old person. I would take that to the witness stand.
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