Enlighten me, how did Michael win this money? On what basis?
He won the money in malpractice suits in 1992.
Terri awarded $250,000 in malpractice settlement; Terri awarded $1.4 million in malpractice trial;Michael Schiavo awarded $600,000 in malpractice trial. The suit alledged Dr.s misdiagnoses her initial illness.
At the trials MS said she was responsive and could be rehabilitated and expected to live 41 more years. The money was not awarded to a woman in a vegitative state with no hopes of recovery. They don't award dead people money.
Michael Schiavo won this money in a malpractice lawsuit against her doctors and he pledged to use it for her therapy and support for the rest of her life. After he got the money, he shut down her therapy, denying her any visual or auditory stimulation, and suddenly "remembered" that she really wanted to die.