This murder is causing Anger in the hearts of Virtueous IMO the thoughts of sin going through all the minds of Godly folks right now should be piled on top of the heads all those promoting Terri's Murder and may they be smited with boils as punishment.
King Vanity is soooooo Angry and that is not an emotion he is "Loose" with.
If they don't get it re inserted withen the next hour Terri's stoma site will close off and it is Major surgery to create another stoma site.
God Bless you Terri.
Sick Sick Sick.........
BTW King Vanity wants all to know that inserting the tube does not hurt....I change his 3-4 times year and he says changing his trach appliance to clean everyother day is waaaaaaay more painful.
May our Lord comfort Terri and her family with His perfect peace...somehow.