The order regarding Viaticum, besides being cruel and bizarre (only the tiniest fraction of the Host or the tiniest drop of the Precious Blood need be placed on her tongue), serves to preserve Michael Schiavo and George Felos' contention that Terri cannot receive anything by mouth. Of course, they have never permitted a swallowing test, so we just have to take their word for it. The last thing they want is the spectacle of Terri taking anything by mouth, as that might cause people to start wondering if Terri might just be able to eat.
From George Felos' standpoint, though, that should hardly make a difference: In Terri's '98 hearings, Felos infamously advocated what he called the "spoon test". The test of whether one is a person with a full right to life, he said, is whether he/she can raise a spoon to his lips unaided. If you have a relative who is paralyzed or otherwise unable to feed himself, watch out: In George Felos' world, they're fair game for his tender advocacy of their "right" to die.
If George Felos and Judge Greer get their way, Florida will be a very, very bad place in which to be unlucky enough to get sick, have a stroke, or become incompetent. Someone will be standing by, ready to relieve you of the burden of your existence.