>>On the other hand, its nice that somebody is presenting another view, even if I'm never able to get at the truth.<<
Truth is an interesting word. I have found that understanding the depth of it has many variations, all of which depend upon a persons education, employment fields in life, intellectual capabilities, social experiences and their ability to analyze. The desire to continually learn also has this nasty habit of changing what we believed last year versus this year.
Numerous times I have seen my own beliefs do a complete 180 degree turn in just a few short years as my comprehension matured and my friends tolerated the discussions I would start. Some of these would last many hours or even continue for months as I searched for a solid anchor to fasten my beliefs to on any particular subject.
Ann Ryans writings teach the same concepts. Unless we comprehend the full aspect of self resposibility we will always be sheeple, willing to be led on a leash by others who understand the weaknesses of the human mind better than we do.
Continue your search for the truth. The journey will ensure you a wild and exciting life. Never will you be at a loss for new unknowns to discover or fantastic ideas to discuss.
I also may have misleadingly implied a particular interest in Rand's life, where as I actually have none. I've only read commentaries and reviews of the Branden books without actually reading them. I have no desire to read this new book either. But I'm interested in what is generally in it.
Atlas Shrugged changed my life.