Ayn Rand was a great mind. Alas, even great minds can be flakes.
The Brandens were only two of many, many purged from the Collective. Tibor Machan, David Kelly, just to name a couple. If she had lived long enough, I dare say Leonard Piekoff may have crossed her eventually.
What about Alan Greenspan? he had been her pretoge money guy. He had several articles in her periodical denouncing the very activity that he does now.
In the 60's he fully supported the gold standard, and in fact, made strong arguments to redouble efforts to institute the gold standard.
Since, he has become the darling of the global money elite.
Do you anything about why Alan Greenspan left the movement?
She may have had a "great mind", but she was a lousy judge of character. This is a fatal flaw.