The only problem is that the NRST shills will flame you because they can't raise enough revenue without taxing those items.
Yep, the shills don't like exemptions one bit.
I've also suggested lowering the tax rate instead of offering rebates. (Rebates are taxpayers money the government shouldn't have taken to begin with.)
The shills don't like that either, since it interferes with their ability to make people dependent on that monthly welfare rebate check.
The idea is to eliminate the possibility of using a tax code to favor anyone or anything. Hence no exceptions to consumption is taxed, investment is not.
Further, exempting items leads to higher rates on the remaining items. The broader the tax base, the lower the rate can be.
Today's prices of food, medicines and clothing are taxed today. That most people don't realize that today's purchases have prices that are inflated by 25% or so due to tax costs tell us just how good this present tax system is at hiding the true cost of government.
Separately, the nrst that's in Congress now has a provision that allows spending up to the poverty level to be tax free for everyone who is a legal resident with a valid SSN... analgous to today's standard deduction... simply a refund of taxes... but the nrst doesn't make you wait for the refund, they give it to you in advance monthly - no more interest free loans to Uncle Sam.