Your arguments are not with us. Your arguments are with the clerics of islam who issue the decrees, the fatwa's; based upon a lifetime of study of the koran and hadith.
Go, tell them they are wrong. Wrong to preach jihad as a terror tactic from the mosque. Tell the clerics that the abrogated verses are the true islam...and what comes later is the root of all the evil in islam.
You would be doing us all a great service, muslims included.
"Your arguments are with the clerics of islam who issue the decrees, the fatwa's; based upon a lifetime of study of the koran and hadith."
Sorry, but you have it reversed - YOUR selection of quotes and interpretations are from those, mine are from some simple web research into what the hundreds of millions of muslims who are NOT attacking us might be believing.
YOU posted the articles about those who want to replace their imans, remember ?